Accolades for Safety Innovation Extended
The long-running annual TT Innovation in Safety Award organized by international cargo handling association ICHCA will this year be presented to a greater number of varied innovators with both winner and highly-commended to be presented in each of four distinct categories.
The enthusiasm with which the Award has been received since its inception in 2016 is evidenced by the consistent number of inspiring entries each year. All deserve praise for the calibre of their innovation and for the passion for safety that they exhibit. Over the years a marked increase the diversity of the nature of innovative products, services and processes has been noted.
This year therefore ICHCA and TT have decided to highlight both an Award winner and highly-recommend other in each of four categories.
These are:
• Use and application of data to create actionable insight
• Learning technology and virtual simulation
• Practical methods of making cargo handling safer
• solutions that help segregate humans and operational machinery
TT’s Managing Director, Loss Prevention Mike Yarwood commented, “Such has been the high standard of entries in the past it has always been difficult to select a single one to receive the Award. As the diversity and quality of safety innovations continue to be demonstrated across more varied technologies, operational environments and with managerial dimensions, more of these excellent entries deserve greater visibility. Hence our new categorisations to extend the limelight to a greater number of exceptional new ideas.”