Academic Research Links

Welcome to the ICHCA Academic Research Links Page.
The following papers are related to cargo handling and coordination and have been found on academic or research sites.
ICHCA makes no claim regarding ownership or validity of the materials contained therein. Copyright remains with the owner and any use should be in line with the relevant copyright arrangements.
An Efficient Taguchi Approach for the Performance Optimization of Health, Safety, Environment and Ergonomics in Generation Companies
Azadeh and Sheikhalishahi’s approach developed in this study could be used for continuous assessment and improvement of organisation performance with respect to HSEE factors. The results of such studies would help managers to have better understanding of weak and [...]
The use of the CTU Code to increase freight transport safety and business competitiveness: An empirical analysis of a sample of Italian companies
Bruno et al. (2023) - demonstrate, through an empirical survey of a sample of 26 Italian companies, how the application of the CTU Code to cargo loading and transportation processes can increase the safety level of transport activities, and [...]
The problem of proper cargo securing in road transport – case study
Nieoczym (2019) studied an efficient procedure for securing free loads using straps, considering the DIN - EN12195/2 standard and the 'IMO model course 3.18′ Click here to view the full Paper
The measurement of contact surface of dunnage bag used for cargo securing in different gaps between cargo
Jagelčák et al. (2013) - illustrated the differences that occur in the calculation of restraint forces using measured dunnage values and the CTU Code guidelines Click here to view the full Paper
Study of the Stability of Palletized Cargo by Dynamic Test Method Performed on Laboratory Test Bench
Tkaczyk et al. - researched the use of stretch film to identify an optimal wrapping method that would ensure load safety and reduce costs; the tests were performed considering the acceleration values for stability provided by the CTU Code [...]
Ship accident consequences and contributing factors analyses using ship accident investigation reports
Zhang et al. (2019) - assessed the factors that cause ship accidents and their consequences. Standardised contributing factors from 477 ship accident investigation reports. Analysis of results by Kendall’s tau coefficient, Cramér’s V analysis and Kruskal–Wallis test. Click here [...]
Safety in shipping: the role of the human factor
Lorenzi et al. (2018) - how the human element can affect safety in shipping. Analysed personal, psychosocial and organizational factors that intervene in this context and the consequences on the safety performance and workers' well-being, shipping accidents and causes [...]
Safety in shipping: the human element
Hetherington et al. (2006) - how the human element can affect safety in shipping. Reviewed the literature on safety in three key areas: common themes of accidents, the influence of human error, and interventions to make shipping safer. The [...]
Reporting as a Key Element of an Effective Near-Miss Management System in Shipping
Hasanspahić et al. (2020) - assessed the quality and effectiveness of near-miss management systems in the shipping industry. Results indicate that near-miss reporting is inadequate, and several barriers limit appropriate near-miss reporting. The difficulty of seafarers in identifying near-miss [...]
Recent Developments of Cargo Loss-Mitigating Strategies: A Review
Kamarumtham (2022) proposed guidelines and improvements that may be useful for reducing cargo losses, establish effective monitoring systems for container ships, optimize ship-to-ship transfer operations between Liquefied Natural Gas vessels and Floating Storage and Regasification Units, optimize ethylene gassing-up [...]
Preventing shipping accidents: Past, present, and future of waterway risk management with Baltic Sea focus
Kulkarni et al. (2020) literature review on maritime accident risks to outline the trends and gaps related to this topic. Click here to view the full Paper
Operational Guidance for Prevention of Cargo Loss and Damage on Container Ships
Shigunov et al. operational guide for container ships explaining the key navigational factors that can cause cargo loss and damage. Ship-specific operational guidance onboard container carriers can assist the ship master to avoid excessive motions and accelerations and thus [...]
On the development of the new harmonised damage stability regulations for dry cargo and passenger ships
Papanikolaou and Eliopoulou (2008) presents a summary of the main results of a series of undertaken international, IMO-led studies, on the harmonisation of the new probabilistic, risk-based regulations with the currently in-force regulatory provisions for assessing the damage stability [...]
Load Securement and Packaging Methods to Reduce Risk of Damage and Personal Injury for Cargo Freight in Truck, Container and Intermodal Shipments
Singh et al. (2014) - outlined the risk associated with improperly loaded trailers and recommended appropriate loading methods. Click here to view the full Paper
Inspection of Containers of the Explosives Materials in the Maritime Transport
Mirosław Chmieliński (2019) - selected issues related to safety transport of dangerous goods with detailed inspection services, permit and authorization procedures, and monitoring. Click here to view the full Paper
How to reduce cargo damage?
Oktaviani et al. Presented at the Global Research on Sustainable Transport Atlantis Press (2017), pp. 661-670 - using fishbone diagrams and interviews - mainly air transport – to identify steps to cargo damage reduction due to 5 causes: human, methods, machines [...]
Heavyweight and Oversized Cargo Transportation Risk Management
Palšaitis and Petraška (2012) - risks associated with the transport of heavy and oversized cargo. Click here to view the full Paper
‘Cool Or Hot’: A Study Of Container Temperatures In Australian Wine Shipments
Marquez et al. (2012) - results of tracking the temperature fluctuations that wine is exposed to during international shipment. The results indicate that extreme temperature fluctuations are more prevalent in the land transport legs compared to the sea leg. [...]
Application of MEMS Sensors for Evaluation of the Dynamics for Cargo Securing on Road Vehicles
Gnap et al. (2021) - used the CTU code to define the acceleration and forces acting on goods transported by road when stressed by dynamic events. Click here to view the full Paper
Analysis of risk factors influencing the safety of maritime container supply chains
Wan et al. (2019) safety and security risks in the shipping industry - major risk factors influencing safety and security of maritime container supply chains to aid effective risk management. Includes risk classification framework, incorporating a Delphi survey and [...]
A study on cargo transportation damage reduction at shipping company
Murugan and Kannan (2021) - applied the Six Sigma statistical tool to a shipping company in order to identify solutions to reduce cargo damage. Click here to view the full Paper