Categories and Fees
Corporate premium membership offers larger enterprises unlimited access to ICHCA services and materials and the chance to position their companies at the forefront of safety and responsible practice in cargo operations
Annual fee: £6050
Corporate licensed membership offers other membership organisations access to ICHCA services and materials to share with their own members, who become associate members of ICHCA
Annual fee: £605 plus £60.50 per associate member
University licensed membership offers academic institutions access to ICHCA services and materials to share with their students and staff, who become associate university members of ICHCA
Annual fee: £605 plus £30.50 per associate university member
Corporate membership offers companies access to ICHCA services and materials for up to 5 nominated individuals
Annual fee: £605
Library membership offers libraries copies of all ICHCA publications
Annual fee: £175
Individual membership offers single-user access to a limited range of ICHCA services and materials for personal, private use
Annual fee: £95
Student membership offer single-user access to a limited range of ICHCA services and materials for an individual studying for a degree or other recognised academic qualification
Annual fee: £45
Download our membership categories, benefits and fees document
Download our application form
Contact us for more details on ICHCA national and regional chapter membership.