ICHCA Global Bulletin August 2017 – IMO Activity Update
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Global Bulletins summarise developments in legislation, safety and standards where ICHCA is actively involved, or is keeping a watching brief on issues of interest to members, affiliates and the global cargo handling community at large.
ICHCA members are encouraged to give their views to the organisation on international matters due to be considered, thereby enabling those views to be put forward for discussion. As the only NGO representing the cargo handling sector with various UN agencies, it is vital that we have a wide view from the industry.
Members can take part by:
- Sending in technical queries or responding to same when circulated
- Reporting incidents and near misses - with sufficient detail for us to circulate a prevention message
- Contributing to ICHCA correspondence groups
- Attending sessions of IMO, ILO, UNECE and other UN bodies
- Attending meetings of ISP - ICHCA’s Technical Panel or other Technical Seminars
- Suggesting topics for discussion at ISP or presenting at Technical Seminars
Forwarding articles and other works for publication/consideration
Any member wishing to contribute, or who has any queries about ICHCA’s technical services, please contact our Technical Advisor Richard Brough on