Europe Container Terminals (ECT)

Europe Container Terminals (ECT) is the leading and most advanced container terminal operator in Europe; it handles a vast majority of all the containers passing through the port of Rotterdam. At the deep-sea terminals, ECT always puts the customer first. Everything is aimed at an optimum service and performance.
In addition, ECT offers customers through European Gateway Services(EGS) an expanding network of inland terminals which function as extended gates® of the deep-sea terminals in Rotterdam. In this concept, trains and barges ensure highly frequent, reliable and especially also sustainable connections. Within European Gateway Services, customers can furthermore benefit from additional services, such as document-free transport from deep-sea terminal to inland terminal and transport with a time guarantee.
ECT employs some 2000 people, many of whom work in continuous shifts. ECT aims to be an attractive employer to them. This from the conviction that it is the employees who make the difference in terms of service and performance.
At the Maasvlakte, directly on the North Sea, the largest ships can call at the ECT Delta terminal 24/7, fully laden and without tidal limitations or locks. The depth along the quay here is 16.65 metres. From the port entrance, ships can be safely moored within an hour. Many shipping lines – ECT handles all the major globally operating container shipping lines – therefore select the ECT Delta terminal as their first port of call in Europe. As a result, the ECT Delta terminal is also Europe’s leading feeder hub. Directly following upon the deep-sea traffic, feeders maintain highly frequent connections with more than a hundred other ports spread across the whole of Europe and North Africa.