Safety Alert: Falling Extractor Flue – Near Miss
This incident relates to a flue pipe detaching from its position and falling onto a pedestrian area. Fewer than the correct number of supports had been fitted.
In addition, users/owners of steel-clad portal buildings are advised to consider the strength and integrity of the steel sheeting and fastenings.
Portal building manufacturers recommend unsupported ‘tek’ screws are used only to join sheets and flashing. When fixing additions to the building, the structural needs of the support also require assessment and the loadings need to pass through the external cladding to the structure.
ICHCA International is committed to helping industry to learn lessons fast, learn them once and make sure that they stay learnt. This information is intended to provide all organisations in the cargo supply chain with the opportunity to consider the events and to review and adapt their own health and safety control measures to proactively prevent future incidents.
We are grateful to the for Port Skills & Safety and Peel Ports for providing details and for raising awareness. We acknowledge their commitment to sharing learning to benefit others. If you have similar operations, please share this information with managers, operatives and any potentially affected third parties as appropriate. Please also review any of your relevant operations for similar hazardous conditions, risks, and controls. Learning content like this is highly valuable as it is based on real-world experience. We encourage everyone with publishable information about incidents to send it to us, so that we can raise awareness across the whole industry. Please contact us at; sharing your insight could save a life or prevent injury.