
  • ICHCA Australia

March 2024 edition of “Inside ICHCA Australia” available

For the latest edition of “Inside ICHCA Australia” please Click Here! About ICHCA – International Cargo Handling Co-ordination Association The International Cargo Handling Co-ordination Association (ICHCA) is an international, independent, not for-profit organisation dedicated to improving the safety, security, sustainability, productivity and efficiency of cargo handling and goods movement by all modes and through all phases of national and international supply chains.  Read more   For previous newsletters click here:

A Joint Meeting presented by RINA London Branch: MOL Challenge to Achieve Zero-Emission by 2050: Wind Challenger Project

  Thursday 11 April 2024 at the Offices of The Royal Institution of Naval Architects, 8-9 Northumberland Street, London, WC2N 5DA From 17:30 for Seminar 18:00 - 19:15 For “In-Person” event register at For “Webinar” zoom event register at After registering you will receive a confirmation email regarding joining the zoom presentation. (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Rome, 2020)   IPPC material © IPPC

Pest Week 2024: IPPC best practice guide on measures to minimize pest contamination: “Sea Container Supply Chains and Cleanliness”

  Today we look at IPPC's own guidance on pest minimisation.   This IPPC Guidance identifies the key parties involved in the international container supply chains, and describes their roles and responsibilities for minimizing visible pest contamination of sea containers and their cargoes, and best practices they may follow to meet that objective.  It links to both the safeguarding continuum that we discussed on day 3 and the draft Recommendation R-06 Minimizing pest risk associated with sea-container pathway that we looked at on day 4 of our Pest Week 2024. How clean is a clean container? Clean means that the empty container’s exterior and interior and, for reefer containers, also the ventilation inlet grilles and floor drain holes, should, at the time of dispatch, have no visible presence of: Soil Plants/plant products/plant debris Seeds Moths, wasps, bees, beetles Snails, slugs, ants, spiders Mould and fungi Insect and bird [...]

Pest Week 2024: The Safeguarding Continuum from IPPC

    Today we consider the IPPC’s ‘safeguarding continuum’ and how the cargo handling industry can play its part in preventing invasive pest transfer. The Commission for Phytosanitary Measures has published a video, presented by Dr Osama El-Lissy, IPPC Secretary General, summarising the ‘safeguarding continuum’ principles which aims to be a “practical and effective approach to safeguard against the accidental introductions of pests via sea containers”.   Ports and terminals along with other supply chain stakeholders are expected to play their part and industry is invited to come forward with ideas about what this approach could look like. Managing the risk - IPPC Safeguarding Continuum The IPPC Safeguarding Continuum has four phases. Phase 1 “Starts at the port of departure or storage facilities and encompasses the mandatory cleaning and inspection of empty containers.  It begins with containers being washed, vacuumed or simply swept to ensure freedom from pests or contaminants.  Container depots [...]

Pest Week 2024: CPM Draft Recommendation R-06 Minimizing pest risk associated with sea-container pathway – coming up at CPM18

  A draft recommendation on minimising pest risk associated with the sea container pathway will be submitted to the CPM18 meeting of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 15-19 April 2024.  If adopted, this will be the leading standard for action going forward.   The recommendation aims to raise awareness and suggest practices for reducing pest risks associated with sea containers.  It covers internal and external pest contamination in sea containers transported by sea, road, and rail. It has nine recommendations: Aim: Encourage globally consistent science- and risk-based measures to reduce pest risk. Raising Awareness: Calls on National Plant Protection Organisations to provide actionable information on phytosanitary requirements for sea-container pathways, to relevant parties. Reducing Pest Contamination: Encourages all parties in logistics to verify and prevent visible pest contamination. Visual Examination: Encourages visual examination of sea containers and cargoes for potential pest contamination. R-06 explicitly recognises that [...]

Pest Week 2024: International Plant Protection Convention and the Commission for Phytosanitary measures – Meet the regulatory champions

The International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) is the intergovernmental treaty that aims to protect the world's plants, agricultural products and natural resources from plant pests. Ratified by 185 contracting parties, the IPPC develops, adopts and promotes the application of International Phytosanitary Measures as the main tool to safeguard global food security, facilitate safe trade and protect the environment. Plant Health & Food Security Limiting pest spread, protecting important crops, and collaborating across borders are necessary to feed our world of eight billion people. Pests can destroy crop fields, ruin national crop production systems, cause devastating famine, untold suffering and death. Although 80 percent of all food comes from plants, 40 percent of global crop yields are lost to pests. The IPPC Secretariat works with contracting parties to train stakeholders and deploy knowledge products to help them improve their national phytosanitary systems and capacity.  Seeking to prevent, detect and respond to [...]

Pest Week 2024: Invasive Pests – understanding the risk

    In our first Pest Week 2024 article, we set out the scale and importance of managing invasive pests.  Our industry has an ongoing role in helping to manage this risk and ICHCA fully supports collaborative work to stop the unintended transfer of invasive pests  through the sea container pathway.  We will continue to work with partners to develop and implement approaches that work. According to the Food and Agriculture Organisation of The United Nations, plant pests are responsible for the loss of up to 40% of global agricultural crops each year.  They cause trade losses exceeding $220 billion annually.  There is international consensus among plant protection competent authorities that sea containers and their cargoes have the potential to carry and facilitate the introduction and spread of plant pests.  Introducing and spreading pests results in significant control and eradication costs, losses in yields and access to international markets and [...]

Member Event: GreenTech For Ports and Terminals 7 – 8 May 2024

Our member Port Technology International (PTI) is delighted to announce the second edition of GreenTech For Ports and Terminals Conference which will be taking place at World Trade Center Barcelona on 7 – 8 May 2024! Member Event: GreenTech For Ports and Terminals 7 - 8 May 2024 Our member Port Technology International (PTI) is delighted to announce the second edition of GreenTech For Ports and Terminals Conference which will be taking place at World Trade Center Barcelona on 7 – 8 May 2024! GreenTech 2024 will focus on key topics such as electrification and alternative fuels, sustainable port infrastructure, the emergence of green shipping corridors, emerging technology/AI, digitalisation and decarbonisation. Our two-day agenda includes case studies and presentations by major stakeholders, as well as panel discussions featuring the latest strategies from the world’s leading ports. This year's event is the perfect opportunity for attendees to network with like-minded organisations, [...]

Global Lifting Awareness Day 18 July 2024 Centres on Skills and Employment

  Powered by ICHCA member the Lifting Equipment Engineers Association (LEEA) and supporting organisations, #GLAD2024 is now a widely celebrated day where manufacturers, suppliers, and end users are among those that share material that promotes safe and high quality load lifting. As with previous years, LEEA is encouraging its members, end users, and everyone in between, to contribute by using the graphic and hashtag to celebrate their involvement with the industry and promote it as an interesting place to work, with skills and employment as suggested focal points of outreach efforts. Ross Moloney, CEO at LEEA, said: “GLAD is now positioned as a globally recognised concept and has achieved a brand-like status, perhaps ahead of schedule, following ongoing efforts from industry stakeholders to raise its profile. We’re looking to use its popularity to raise awareness of what our industry people do and what those outside of the sector need to [...]

ICHCA Australia & Thomas Miller address battery fire risk management in Australasian Marine Surveyors publication

  Peter van Duyn, Master Mariner and Director of International Cargo Handling Co-ordination Association (Australia) and Marcus Johns, Managing Director, Thomas Miller each have an article in the March 2024 edition of Shipshape the magazine of the Australasian Institute of Marine Surveyors. Both address the fire risks associated with lithium batteries, with Peter’s article entitled “At sea lithium-ion battery incidents are on the rise” and Marcus’ “Lithium batteries white paper”. Peter considers if the current lithium battery categorisation in the IMDG Code - Class 9 Miscellaneous Dangerous Goods - is fit for purpose. Marcus examines the risk of transporting lithium-ion batteries and whether they pose a threat to the maritime supply chain. He also looks at topics such as special provisions for vehicle transport. Both articles are relevant to the work that ICHCA is doing alongside partners at the IMO reviewing the IMDG Code and in particular a correspondence group [...]

ICHCA Member G2 Ocean, latest Safety Bulletin – Getting the job done

  ICHCA Member G2 Ocean, latest Safety Bulletin - Getting the job done The latest edition of G2 Ocean's Safety Bulletins can be found on the link below: CLICK HERE FOR THE FULL SAFETY BULLETIN CLICK HERE FOR THE FULL SAFETY BULLETIN IN PORTUGUESE (With thanks to ITF for the translation.) Message from G2 Ocean: "This edition of our Safety Bulletin is about stevedores being faced with a very unusual challenge. “Getting the job done” is part of the work ethos in most ports, and stevedores rightfully take pride in that. But responsive and innovative action has to fully consider safety. We are grateful to G2 Ocean for providing details and for raising awareness. We acknowledge their commitment to sharing learning to benefit others.

Current Awareness Bulletin – for IMO themes and news – January 2024

  The latest edition of the Current Awareness Bulletin is attached.  The Bulletin provides a monthly digest of news and publications focusing on subjects and themes related to the work of IMO with each edition presenting headlines from the previous month.  Links to complete articles or abstracts on publishers' sites are included, although access may require payment or subscription.  The Bulletin itself is free to download and to redistribute.   CLICK HERE FOR THE CURRENT AWARENESS BULLETIN    This edition along with the back catalogue is available at:   The Current Awareness Bulletin is compiled by the IMO Maritime Knowledge Centre but is not an official IMO publication.  Inclusion does not imply any endorsement by IMO.

ICHCA Cargo Safety Coffee Break Webinar 12 March 2024 – Video Available!

    We are excited to release the video of our March 2024 webinar featuring two world class speakers Yucel Yildiz from RightShip and Adrian Scales from Brookes Bell. The video runs for approximately and hour and ten minutes and features presentations by Yucel and Adrian and a Q&A session.   LOG IN TO WATCH VIDEO!   Session 1: Enhancing resilience and safety in ports and terminals via information sharing Yucel Yildiz, RightShip Incident and detention statistics indicate that Ports and Terminals face risks associated with vessels docking at their quays.  The availability of effective information and risk evaluation models, capable of providing operational risk foresight in advance of the port call, is key to manging these risks.  Currently, there is no common platform for recording and sharing information on operational events, unfavourable conditions, or items requiring heightened awareness among stakeholders.  Yucel Yildiz will explore how digital tools designed [...]

Discover the Safety Village at TOC Europe 2024!

    ICHCA has once again teamed up with TT Club and TOC Worldwide to bring you the Safety Village at TOC Europe on 11-13 June 2024. If you are a safety innovator in the cargo handling industry, this is your opportunity to showcase your supply chain safety solution!   ICHCA will again be at the Safety Village exploring and spotlighting opportunities for safety innovation in our industry with a programme of speakers and the chance to share ideas and learning. We would be delighted to meet with any members who are attending TOC.  If you have a safety idea or concern that you would like to discuss, please drop by the Safety Village. We also expect to have opportunities for compact presentations on any cargo safety or innovation topic, if you would be interested in learning more please get in touch. We will provide more information as the programme [...]

LAST CHANCE TO REGISTER – ICHCA FREE CARGO SAFETY WEBINAR – Information sharing to enhance port safety resilience and Managing Lithium battery risk on vessels

  12 March 2024 at 14:00 GMT   Presented by ICHCA International in partnership with RightShip and Brookes Bell We are delighted to invite you to join us for a FREE webinar where you will hear from experts in global safety, sustainability and social responsibility best practices, casualty investigation and forensic analysis. The availability of effective information and risk evaluation models, capable of providing operational risk foresight in advance of the port call, is key to managing port vessel interface risks. Hear about an innovative approach to this challenge. Cargo transportation is on the front line of lithium battery fire risk, with significant potential exposure, including to fires aboard vessels. Learn about examples of Lithium battery failures and specific outcomes from a recent fire on a Pure Car/Truck Carrier. Explore with us how information sharing and understanding battery fire risk can make your organisation more sustainable through safety and help [...]

Member Event: Container Terminal Automation Conference, Europe, 17 & 18 April 2024

  Our member Port Technology International (PTI) is thrilled to announce the highly anticipated Container Terminal Automation Conference 2024, coming to the 5-star Hotel Balneario Las Arenas in Valencia, Spain.   CTAC is the premier content-first conference for container terminal operators in Europe, attracting 250+ delegates each year for 2 full days of knowledge-sharing and collaboration, to help the industry to become more efficient, sustainable and profitable. This year’s event will feature our essential CTAC themes, along with the exciting projects, technologies and business practices that have emerged since our previous edition. PTI are pleased to announce their first trip to Valencia, home to one of the most advanced ports on the continent and the 5-star Hotel Balneario Las Arenas in Valencia, Spain, excellent conference venue with a view of the Mediterranean Sea and the port. The venue provides a high-spec conference area and a charming setting for out-of-hours networking [...]

1 WEEK TO GO – ICHCA FREE CARGO SAFETY WEBINAR – Information sharing to enhance port safety resilience and Managing Lithium battery risk on vessels

  12 March 2024 at 14:00 GMT   Presented by ICHCA International in partnership with RightShip and Brookes Bell We are delighted to invite you to join us for a FREE webinar where you will hear from experts in global safety, sustainability and social responsibility best practices, casualty investigation and forensic analysis. The availability of effective information and risk evaluation models, capable of providing operational risk foresight in advance of the port call, is key to managing port vessel interface risks. Hear about an innovative approach to this challenge. Cargo transportation is on the front line of lithium battery fire risk, with significant potential exposure, including to fires aboard vessels. Learn about examples of Lithium battery failures and specific outcomes from a recent fire on a Pure Car/Truck Carrier. Explore with us how information sharing and understanding battery fire risk can make your organisation more sustainable through safety and help [...]

UNCTAD Transport and Trade Facilitation Newsletter N°99 and 100

  The UNCTAD Transport and Trade Facilitation Newsletter is a quarterly digital bulletin on current topics and projects in trade facilitation and international transport. We provide a link for members' convenience. Click here for the newsletter   If you wish to register for your own copy, you can find the link at:      

ICHCA FREE CARGO SAFETY WEBINAR – Information sharing to enhance port safety resilience and Managing Lithium battery risk on vessels

  12 March 2024 at 14:00 GMT   Presented by ICHCA International in partnership with RightShip and Brookes Bell We are delighted to invite you to join us for a FREE webinar where you will hear from experts in global safety, sustainability and social responsibility best practices, casualty investigation and forensic analysis. The availability of effective information and risk evaluation models, capable of providing operational risk foresight in advance of the port call, is key to managing port vessel interface risks. Hear about an innovative approach to this challenge. Cargo transportation is on the front line of lithium battery fire risk, with significant potential exposure, including to fires aboard vessels. Learn about examples of Lithium battery failures and specific outcomes from a recent fire on a Pure Car/Truck Carrier. Explore with us how information sharing and understanding battery fire risk can make your organisation more sustainable through safety and help [...]

SHORTLISTED for The TT Club Innovation in Safety Award: Trendsetter Vulcan Offshore – Next Generation Lashing System

  Supports that reduce container motion and control the dynamics of container stacks.   For the full details, Click Here   A Digest of all the award entries is available HERE. In the months between awards cycles, entrants are invited to various discussion forums, conference and exhibition appearances, including the TT/ICHCA Safety Village at TOC Europe in June (details HERE).

Safe Mooring Seminar – Thursday 28 March – 08:45, 90 Fenchurch Street, London

  TT Club and Port Strategy invite you to join them on Thursday 28 March at TT's London office, for a series of insightful sessions on safe mooring practices.   TT Club and Port Strategy invite you to join them on Thursday 28 March at TT's London office, for a series of insightful sessions on safe mooring practices. The day will comprise of two sections considering safe berthing, the challenges, solutions and innovations, as well as opportunity for Q&A with the guest speakers. There will also be coffee and a light lunch provided throughout the day.   Welcome Registration and introduction (08:45)   Session 1 Optimising safe berthing (09:45- 13:00) Key lessons in enhancing berthing efficiency and vessel turnaround: Port Strategy How vessel arrival time can impact port procedures: RightShip Sector perspectives: Harbour Master - Capt. Paul Brooks, PD Ports and UK Harbour Masters' Association Terminal - Capt. Ashley Parker, [...]

SHORTLISTED for the TT Club Innovation in Safety Award: Royal HaskoningDHV – Smart Mooring

  Addresses the safety of moored vessel operations in sheltered and exposed ports by predicting excessive vessel motions and mooring line forces.   For the full details, Click Here   A Digest of all the award entries is available HERE. In the months between awards cycles, entrants are invited to various discussion forums, conference and exhibition appearances, including the TT/ICHCA Safety Village at TOC Europe in June (details HERE).

WINNER of the TT Club Innovation in Safety Award: Cross Currents 88 / G2 Ocean AS – “Spyder Netting”

    Richard Steele (ICHCA International), David Robinson MBE, Jan Andreassen (G2 Ocean),Thomas Keenan (Cross Currents 88), Mike Yarwood (TT Club)   "Spyder netting" - a thin layer of plastic film netting, which can be rolled out and secured between layers of cargo to prevent risk of fall between gaps in the stow.   For the full details, Click Here   A Digest of all the award entries is available HERE. In the months between awards cycles, entrants are invited to various discussion forums, conference and exhibition appearances, including the TT/ICHCA Safety Village at TOC Europe in June (details HERE).

Safety Innovators Acclaimed at Annual Award Ceremony

    Richard Steele (ICHCA International), David Robinson MBE, Jan Andreassen (G2 Ocean),Thomas Keenan (Cross Currents 88), Mike Yarwood (TT Club)   From a shortlist of three chosen by judges from a total of twenty-eight outstanding entries for this year’s competition, the partnership between Cross Currents 88 and G2 Ocean AS was announced as the winner of the TT Innovation in Safety Award, at a presentation ceremony in London today. The two highly commended innovations came from Royal Haskoning DHV and Trendsetter Vulcan Offshore. Independently organised by ICHCA, the TT Club Innovation in Safety Awards are dedicated to both organisations’ mission to promote and improve safety in all operational aspects of the supply chain. In encouraging innovation, the Awards are aimed at showcasing products, processes and services that address safety issues, to as wide an audience as possible, in an increasingly complex and challenging industry. The successful shortlisted entries offered [...]

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