Container Weighing and CTU Packing Roadshows

New IMO regulations requiring verification of a freight container’s gross mass will become mandatory from 1 July 2016. But many organisations – and, indeed, nations – are not yet prepared for this significant change to global container operations.  To bring all the interested parties together to discuss how the new legislation can be implemented with minimum disruption to the container logistics chain, ICHCA International is hosting a series of educational events in Europe on container weighing.

A part of our “Pack It In!” campaign to promote safe packing of containers and other CTUs, ICHCA also has a Packing Roadshow to provide practical education and advice on the contents of the new IMO/ILO/UNECE Code of Practice for the Packing of CTUs.

Upcoming roadshows

A wealth of safety innovation in one place

Safety innovators in the field of cargo handling from across the globe have been celebrated via the TT Club Innovation in Safety Award. Their outstanding entries were submitted late last year and have now […]