Malta Freeport Terminals

Since its establishment in 1988, Malta Freeport has registered remarkable growth and is now a major transhipment port in the Mediterranean region enjoying positive international recognition with global carriers as a reliable and credible port. Malta Freeport Terminals amalgamates the activities of container handling and industrial storage.
Malta Freeport focuses on the ‘hub’ concept, whereby cargo is discharged from large mother vessels and relayed to a network of regional ports by regular and frequent feeder vessels. Around 96 per cent of Malta Freeport’s container traffic is transhipment business. The logistic concept offers various benefits for Malta Freeport’s clients, including fewer mainline port calls, reduced voyage times through minimal diversions and shorter transit times thus enabling them to concentrate on profitable voyage legs. In 2016, Malta Freeport Terminals handled 3.08 million TEUs. As one of the Mediterranean’s key transhipment ports Malta Freeport represents a strategic platform for the shipping lines that have chosen it as their Mediterranean hub port being located at the crossroads of some of the world’s greatest shipping routes and in the heart of the Europe/Maghreb/Middle East triangle.