Rotterdam Boatmen

Boatmen have been part of the port of Rotterdam since the very beginning
De Roeiers Vereeniging Eendracht was founded in 1895. Back then, rowboats were still used to next manually secure and loosen ropes. For this reason, boatmen are still called roeiers (rowers) in Dutch. On the occasion of its 100th anniversary in 1995, the association was granted the right to use the designation Royal. Since that time, the association has been known as KRVE, Koninklijke Roeiers Vereeniging Eendracht or Royal Boatmen’s Association Eendracht.
Today, the association has an ultra-modern fleet of about 60 vessels. Each boatman is a fully qualified skipper. What has not changed though, is our hands-on attitude and the wide range of activities that we perform outside. In all weathers, day and night, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year.”